We identify the problem, determine its risks and consequences in order to choose the best course of action.

  • Contractual and non-contractual liability.
  • Second Chance Law.
  • Unfair competition and illegal advertising actions.
  • Disputes arising from distribution, agency, supply and franchise agreements.
  • Advice on construction law and construction contracts.
  • Proceedings on fundamental rights and law.
  • Proceedings for payment claims.
  • Judicial and non-judicial title enforcement proceedings.
  • Traffic accidents.
  • Medical and professional negligence.
  • Liability and insurance.
  • Litigation and arbitration in real estate and condominium matters.
    • Lease proceedings and without just title.
    • Challenge of agreements.
    • Liability for illegal works.
    • Claim of amounts.
    • Neighborhood relations.
    • Acquisition and loss of real estate rights due to the passage of time (usucaption and extinctive prescription).
    • Cessation of harmful, annoying or unhealthy activities.
  • Advice on real estate and horizontal property matters.
    • Drafting and review of purchase and sale and lease agreements.
    • Adoption of agreements.
    • Bylaws and horizontal division.
    • Works in the Communities of Owners.
    • Advice on the acquisition of real estate.
    • Advice on vertical property and horizontal property.
  • Passenger rights.
  • After-sales services.
  • E-commerce.
  • Claim for supplies.
  • Claims in connection with package tours.
  • Time-sharing
  • Floor clause.
  • Abusive clauses.
  • Mortgage expenses.
  • Multi-currency mortgages.
  • Mortgage IRPH.
  • Mortgage swaps.
  • Revolving cards.
  • Preferred and subordinated debt.
  • Foreclosures and repossessions.
  • Contractual and non-contractual liability.
    • Representation and legal assistance in individual and collective proceedings in court:
      • Sanctions.
      • Procedures for changes in working conditions and geographic and functional mobility.
      • Vacation.
      • Redistribution of working hours.
      • Occupational accidents and occupational diseases.
      • Workplace harassment. Mobbing.
      • Disability and permanent disability pension.
      • Rights to conciliate work and family life.
      • Dismissals
    • Legal advice and consulting in Labor Law and Social Security.

    Family Law

    • Separation and divorce.
    • Domestic partnership.
    • Marriage chapters.
    • Execution of sentences.
    • Modification of judicial measures.
    • Adoption.
    • Claim, challenge and recognition of filiation.
    • Support for the exercise of capacity and guardianships.


    • Wills.
    • Power of attorney and advance directives.
    • Inheritance agreements.
    • Inheritances.
      • Acceptance and waiver of inheritance.
      • Adjudication of the inheritance, legitimes, pre-legacy and legacies.
      • Fourth falcidia.
      • Partition of the inheritance.

    Legal Proceedings

    • Action for nullity of a will.
    • Legitimate claim action.
    • Judicial division of the inheritance.
    • Action of delivery of the bequest.
    • Division of the common thing.
    • Income and personal assets.
    • Inheritance and successions.
    • Succession planning.
    • Tax inspections and sanctioning proceedings.
    • Economic-administrative and contentious-administrative appeals and claims.